Welcome to new site for BeagleBoard.org GSoC 2024 projects!


Below are the project ideas for the GSoC 2024 sorted for better navigation. The BeagleBoard.org community is loaded with experts on building open source embedded systems. An embedded system is build of computers dedicated a specific collections of functions and connected to automate things in the physical world.


BeagleaBoard.org is a community centric organization and we keep all of our discussion open for our community on forum. Discussion for all the ideas/projects will be done via forum as well and must be open for everyone to access. No direct messages should be sent to mentors or community members until unless there is a private matter.

How to participate?

Students are expeced to go through the list of ideas below, and check out the corresponding forum link for additional discussions around the idea.






Linux kernel improvements

Beaglebone Cape compatibility layer

Large size Medium complexity

Update the cape compatibility layer for BeagleBone Black, AI-64, and newer boards to support more kernel versions.



We don’t want to just make more things, we want to enable individuals to make the things that dominate their lives, rather than leaving it up to someone else. Google Summer of a Code with BeagleBoard.org is a great way to learn skills highly in demand while making a difference in the world.

Did you know?

BeagleBoard.org has been accepted to be a mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) for twelve previous years!