.. _proposal_template: Proposal template ################# Introduction ************* Summary links ============= - **Student:** ``@ayush1325`` - **Mentors:** ``@jkridner``, ``@vaishnav`` - **Code:** `Google Summer of Code / greybus / cc1352-firmware · GitLab `_ - **Documentation:** `Ayush Singh / docs.beagleboard.io · GitLab `_ - **GSoC:** `Google Summer of Code `_ Status ======= This project is currently just a proposal. Proposal ======== Please complete the requirements listed on the `GSoc Ideas `_ and fill out this template. About ===== - **Forum:** ``@ayush1325`` - **OpenBeagle:** `Ayush Singh · GitLab `_ - **IRC:** - **Github:** `jadonk (Jason Kridner) · GitHub `_ - **School:** Greatest University - **Country:** Worldistan - **Primary language:** Igpay Atinlay - **Typical work hours:** 8AM-5PM US Eastern - **Previous GSoC participation:** Project ******** **Project name:** About my super cool project. Description ============ In 10-20 sentences, what are you making, for whom, why and with what technologies (programming languages, etc.)? (We are looking for open source SOFTWARE submissions.) Software ========= Which software or technology stack are you going to use to complete this project. Hardware ======== A list of hardware that you are going to use for this project. Timeline ******** Provide a development timeline with 10 milestones, one for each week of development without an evaluation, and any pre-work. (A realistic, measurable timeline is critical to our selection process.) .. note:: This timeline is based on the `official GSoC timeline `_ Timeline summary ================= .. table:: +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Date | Activity | +========================+====================================================================================================+ | February 26 | Connect with possible mentors and request review on first draft | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | March 4 | Complete prerequisites, verify value to community and request review on second draft | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | March 11 | Finalized timeline and request review on final draft | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | March 21 | Submit application | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | May 1 | Start bonding | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | May 27 | Start coding and introductory video | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | June 3 | Release introductory video and complete milestone #1 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | June 10 | Complete milestone #2 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | June 17 | Complete milestone #3 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | June 24 | Complete milestone #4 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | July 1 | Complete milestone #5 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | July 8 | Submit midterm evaluations | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | July 15 | Complete milestone #6 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | July 22 | Complete milestone #7 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | July 29 | Complete milestone #8 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | August 5 | Complete milestone #9 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | August 12 | Complete milestone #10 | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | August 19 | Submit final project video, submit final work to GSoC site and complete final mentor evaluation | +------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Timeline detailed ================= Community Bonding Period (May 1st - May 26th) ============================================== GSoC contributors get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects Coding begins (May 27th) ========================= Milestone #1, Introductory YouTube video (June 3rd) =================================================== Milestone #2 (June 10th) ========================== Milestone #3 (June 17th) ========================= Milestone #4 (June 24th) ========================== Milestone #5 (July 1st) ======================== Submit midterm evaluations (July 8th) ===================================== .. important:: **July 12 - 18:00 UTC:** Midterm evaluation deadline (standard coding period) Milestone #6 (July 15th) ========================= Milestone #7 (July 22nd) ========================= Milestone #8 (July 29th) ========================= Milestone #9 (Aug 5th) ======================= Milestone #10 (Aug 12th) ======================== Final YouTube video (Aug 19th) =============================== Submit final project video, submit final work to GSoC site and complete final mentor evaluation Final Submission (Aug 24nd) ============================ .. important:: **August 19 - 26 - 18:00 UTC:** Final week: GSoC contributors submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation (standard coding period) **August 26 - September 2 - 18:00 UTC:** Mentors submit final GSoC contributor evaluations (standard coding period) Initial results (September 3) ============================= .. important:: **September 3 - November 4:** GSoC contributors with extended timelines continue coding **November 4 - 18:00 UTC:** Final date for all GSoC contributors to submit their final work product and final evaluation **November 11 - 18:00 UTC:** Final date for mentors to submit evaluations for GSoC contributor projects with extended deadline Experience and approch *********************** In 5-15 sentences, convince us you will be able to successfully complete your project in the timeline you have described. Contingency =========== What will you do if you get stuck on your project and your mentor isn’t around? Benefit ======== If successfully completed, what will its impact be on the `BeagleBoard.org `_ community? Include quotes from `BeagleBoard.org ` community members who can be found on `Discord `_ and `BeagleBoard.org forum `_. Misc ==== Please complete the requirements listed in the `General Requirements `_. Provide link to merge request. Suggestions =========== Is there anything else we should have asked you?